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Here you will find links to great tailoring books.
They are all from open libraries and are available for free.
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English books

Cutter’s Practical Guide, Ladies‘ Garments

Cutter’s practical guide, Vol. 1 (1898 edition), Juvenile & Youth’s Garments

Cutter’s practical Guide, Vol. 2, Body Coats

Cutter’s practical Guide, Vol. 3, Trousers

Cutter’s practical Guide, Vol. 4, Livery Garments

Cutter’s practical Guide, Vol. 5, Defects and Remedies in Fit and Style
(if you know a link to an open library, please let me know)

Cutter’s practical Guide, Vol. 6 (if you know a link to an open library, please let me know)

Cutter’s practical Guide, Vol. 7 (if you know a link to an open library, please let me know)

Cutter’s practical Guide, Vol. 8, Trousers, Breeches and Knickers

Cutter’s practical Guide, Vol. 9, Lounges, Reefers and Patrol Jackets

Cutter’s practical Guide, Vol. 10, Waistcoats

Cutter’s practical Guide, Vol. 11, Shirts, Collars, Undergarments, Coveralls

Cutter’s practical Guide, Vol. 12, Clerical Dress, Academic Gowns, Judicial Robes

Cutter’s practical Guide, Vol. 13, British Military Uniforms

Pocket Edition of the Cutters‘ Practical Guide 17th ed.

Gordon’s work on cutting men’s garments

Glossary for common tailoring terms (by Rory Duffy)

French books

Art Du Tailleur

Manuel Du Tailleur

Le Professeur De Coupe

German books

Das ABC de Schneiderhandwerks

Der Praktische Zuschneider, Carree System Rudolf Maurer

More books about tailoring
Open-library internet archive (English)

Cutters‘ Guide (might be illegal, because there are many new books)